Condominium Law
Witten LLP provides advice to Owners, Developers, Condominium Corporations, Board of Directors, Property Managers and other stakeholders in all areas of Condominium Law.
The issues that Condominium Corporations and Developers face are varied and complex. To support our clients, we offer a range of services to span the entire scope of Condominium matters. Our services include preparation of developer sales packages, collecting condominium arrears, enforcing for by-law infractions, all litigation relating to condominium issues, drafting by-laws and other agreements, and assisting Condominium Corporations in obtaining financing for capital replacements. We also work with Property Managers and Board of Directors providing advice on the day to day operational issues that arise for Condominium Corporations.
Return to PracticesFrame, John M., Partner, Chair of Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Restructuring Practice and of Condominium Law Practice

Chau, Stephanie C., Partner, Co-Chair of Litigation & Dispute Resolution Practice